This blog won't get any updates anymore. Check out for new Stuff!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Say goodbye to Blogspot!

And visit our new home.


Club-Z Dojin: Manager No Oshigoto 3 (Jap)

Club-Z: マネジのお仕事3
It has been requested so many times. Finally a version arrived via nauna.

Yaoi Artists Collection September 2012

Four sweeeet Artist Collections.

1. Keisuke

2. thisArmor (free pixiv art)

3. kane7banchi

4.  鷹宮

255 Pictures at all. Enjoy! :-D

Tiger & Bunny - Yaoi Collection!

Tiger and Bunny - the Yaoi Collection!

731 Files, including 6 Doujins (5  english) and Art-Folders with:
Antonio, Keith Goodman, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Others

Some T&B Doujins are online on!
Sorry, forgot the dezip a doujin. Password for Candyman 2 is "Setebos1"

Fujimoto Hideaki Yaoi Collection

New Blog, New Stuff, New Fun!

Although this blog is still under construction, have fun with the new "Yaoi Toons Archive"!
Lets celebrate the new start with this new collection.

Fujimoto Hideaki (主犯) created lots of beautiful Bara X Shota-Doujins.
This collection has 11 RAW, 2 tranlated Dojins and Bonus Artwork.
457 Files at all.