This blog won't get any updates anymore. Check out for new Stuff!

Monday, February 27, 2012

New Mentaiko: Present -- Hoster Announcement

Download via Hotfile

After Testing and the Poll last week the question of our future filehoster is solved.
Our future files will be hostet on!
And also old, corrupt downloads will be reuploaded soon on HF. We will have a reupload-day this month, where all important Yaoi-Files will be restored on Hotfile, the new links will be also collected in a new BlogPost.
And so far, if you want to download a file which is not available too you, check out the Gallery.
It might be online there! :-)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BlackMonkey: Banasplit Fanmix 1+ Banana Jam S -2nd Update-

Bananasplit Fanmix Vol. 1A  by BlackMonkey Pro
68 Pictures in 2 Sets
(Downloadlinks removed by request of BM-Team)

Bananasplit Fanmix Vol. 1B  by BlackMonkey Pro (now Complete)

(Downloadlinks removed by request of BM-Team)
Banana Jam -S- by BlackMonkey Pro
(Downloadlinks removed by request of BM-Team)

There are over 4000 Files online in our new Site. I permanently work on new Features and a better Overview. And if the site appears sometimes just fucked up, you know that I'm working on it right now. Please contiune giving your Feedback, its always useful too me! :-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some RAW Doujins

Sorry for the lack of updates. Our new Gallery might be also a reason, but it seem to be that there were no interesting Yaoi Content in last time. So here are some older, but sweet and quite unknown Doujins!

Gurrenlagann Fanbook: KAMINA x SIMON
Artist: Takumi Takagi Chiyomatsu

(Old Mentaiko, but seems to be quite undiscovered to me)

Artist? Anyone knows?
Read Online @

Our next "big" Download will be a collection of the Works of Kobucha Omaso.
Bad thing is he have a long list of Works, unfortunately most of it is not available for me (digiget, U NO INTERNATIONAL?!) So, if you got some, share it here :)Thank you ==)

Funfact: Our Gallery is hosted by green energy (wind power).
So Awesome.