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Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Club-Z: Manager no Oshigoto 1+2

Someone requested it, here we got it:
Manager no Oshigoto ("マネジのお仕事"), the first and secound comic.
(It looks like theres a page missing in the secound comic, but it was a mistake in the numbering)


  1. Omg I love you!! :D

  2. nice....!!!!! you read my request after all :)
    thank youuuuuu so much for this post !
    so in the next sequel the manager gets bukkake'd by the rest of the team i suppose :9
    i really like this artist's style, muscular boys with cute anime faces are so much WIN :D
    the cock drawings not improving much tho :\
    was expecting more realistic n sexy :9
    please post more of this artist !!!! thank you !!!! so much !!!!! much much !!

  3. ah.... its in chinese. could you post the original jap as well...? i can't read chinese ><
    thank you for sharing it though :)
    im wondering if you have shima kyousuke ? his style's not muscular boys but i see he tends to show cuteness..and i love how he depicts the sex scene, really intense :D like zaria !
